Super charging traditional (slow) research methods

How to Make Traditional Research Methods More Agile

Traditional research methods can sometimes feel slow and rigid. However, by adapting these methods to an agile framework, we can unlock valuable insights quickly and more iteratively. Here's a guide to how you can make user interviews, surveys, in-app surveys, and usability studies more agile while still maintaining their effectiveness.

User Interviews

Traditionally, user interviews are seen as time-consuming and are often used in the early stages of a project to gather deep, qualitative insights. However, they can be made more agile by breaking them down into smaller, more focused sessions conducted throughout the design and development phases.

Agile Adaptation:

  • Keep them short and focused: Instead of long, in-depth interviews, break them into smaller, targeted micro-studies sessions that focus on specific areas of the user experience.

  • Get comfortable with gently guiding users back to the task at hand. If a user starts to wander off into other subjects try saying- "These are amazing insights on (x) subject, do you mind if I follow up with you on that?". Then ask them to return to the task at hand.

  • No fishing expeditions! Never ask a user a question in an interview that you are unsure as to how you will use the answer. There is a time and a place for blue sky research, we're talking about making these methods more agile. If you can't verbalize how you'll use the data, leave the quesiton off.

  • Use AI tools to help synthesize, group and analyze user interview scripts and videos

  • Add qualitative questions for features that are two-three quarters away. Select 1-2 larger open questions that your team has about any intiative, ask user over the course of several studies. When the development starts you should have a “library” of information on that topic.


Surveys, whether quantitative or qualitative, can give you attitudinal insights from a broad user base. However, they often suffer from delayed feedback loops due to the time it takes to distribute, gather, and analyze results.

Agile Adaptation:

  • Closed ended multiple choice: When trying to understand why users aren’t purchasing a product, it’s common to see a survey question with multiple-choice options and an "other" box. I recommend omitting the "other" option on the first question and only including choices that represent feature changes you're prepared to act on. This helps prioritize your roadmap. Then, follow up with, "Are there any reasons we didn’t list?" but ensure they first select an option from your initial list.

  • Quick analysis: Using ai tools for real-time data analysis can help provide actionable insights within each sprint.

Usability Testing

Usability testing is a powerful way to observe users performing tasks in a controlled setting, typically focusing on uncovering friction points.

Agile Adaptation:

  • Write clear tasks with a singular purose: For any usabilty study, ensure you ask the user one to two main questions

  • Send and play remote testing (on a budget): Write a script that details out 1-3 specific tasks, ask a user to perform specific tasks, talking aloud and recording their thoughts as they work through the tasks and send you the results.

  • Iterate within sprints: After each usability test, quickly implement fixes and retest within the same sprint. Remember, you only need 5-10 users to tell you if a UI is easy to use.

Use Diary Studies

Diary studies can provide rich, longitudinal insights, but they don’t have to take months.

Agile Adaptation:

  • Set clear, short-term goals for what you want to learn.

  • Ask users to record their interactions with your product over a week or two, focusing on specific features that are 6-8 sprints ahead of where your team is. This puts the right information at your fingertips when design/dev starts.

  • Provide easy tools (like a simple mobile app or shared document) for users to log their experiences quickly.