
In the weird and wonderful world of creativity, play is not merely a diversion but a profound enabler of innovation and authenticity. As creatives, when we allow ourselves the freedom to play—to engage in our work with the joyful abandon of a child—we unlock a part of ourselves that is unhampered by the fear of failure or the weight of perfectionism.

This playful spirit encourages us to experiment wildly, to make 'bad' things just for the sake of creation. In these moments, when we are least concerned with the outcome, we often stumble upon our most genuine and revolutionary ideas.

Brené Brown often talks about the power of vulnerability in unlocking courage and creativity, and play is the practical application of this concept. To be selectively distractable (yes, I read "Indistractable," a great book. This, however, is a small caveat, an aside, a sweet supplement for you, dear creatives), to let our minds wander among the seemingly trivial, this is where we find the golden threads of creativity.

If you face the daunting wall of creator's block, remember that the most straightforward remedy is to play. Dive into a new hobby, doodle aimlessly, write a silly poem—play. It is not time wasted; instead, it is the essential act of shaking loose the dust from our busy minds, reminding us that at the heart of all creative endeavors is the human spirit, daring to express itself without restraint.

Coincidentally, I started my day by making a goofy jingle for Wednesday. I often write weird little tunes about what I'm doing because I'm a singer and a weirdo. I posted my weird little Wednesday tune on the Design Team's private Slack channel to give my team a laugh.

They took it and ran with it. My heart is full. Filipe started the ball rolling by remixing my initial audio, then I rerecorded it with a click track, and Eder took it the rest of the way home. I was doing a weird thing. Filipe lit the spark of creativity, and Eder jumped in, making it even grander. It was a perfect start to the day and an even better end that has added extra joy to this Wednesday.

So my Wednesday advice? Make great work, but have fun out there.